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dc.contributor.authorPatel, Paresh V.-
dc.contributor.authorJivani, Dipak K.-
dc.identifier.citationNational Conference on Current Trends in Technology, Nov. 27-29, 2008en
dc.descriptionNUCONE-2008; Page No. 432-436en
dc.description.abstractShear walls have been the most common structural systems used in building structures to resist horizontal forces caused by wind or earthquakes. The shear walls tend to be laterally much stiffer than the moment resisting frames. The extent to which a wall will contribute to the resistance of earthquake forces depends on its geometric configuration, orientation and location within the plan of a building. The seismic forces on multi storeyed building depend on peak ground acceleration and time period of building. Peak ground acceleration depends on soil conditions on which building is resting and time period of building depends on its structural planning. Therefore to select an efficient structural system for better performance during earthquake site conditions and structural planning should be considered. In this paper site specific response spectrum analysis of multistorey shear wall buildings with different positions of shear wall is presented. Symmetrical shear wall building with different positioning of shear walls are taken. 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 storey buildings are considered for study purpose. For site specific response spectrum analysis, response spectra are developed at various sites of Ahmedabad. One dimensional equivalent linear approach based software ProSHAKE is used for development of response spectrum. Based on the acceleration time history recorded at passport office building of Ahmedabad on 26th January 2001 Bhuj earthquake, response spectra are developed at various sites. Comparisons between site specific response spectra and standard response spectra given in IS 1893:2002 are carried out. ETABS is used for dynamic analysis of shear wall building. The parametric study is made to understand the behavior of different buildings in terms of time period, storey displacement and Base shear of building on various soil sites of Ahmedabad. Keywords—Shear Wall Position, Site Specific Response Spectrum, Time Period, Base Shearen
dc.publisherExcel India Publishersen
dc.subjectShear Wall Positionen
dc.subjectSite Specific Response Spectrumen
dc.subjectTime Perioden
dc.subjectBase Shearen
dc.subjectCivil Faculty Paperen
dc.subjectFaculty Paperen
dc.titleSite Specific Response Spectrum Analysis Of Building with Different Shear Wall Positionen
dc.typeFaculty Papersen
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, Civil

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