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Title: Analysis Of Circular Tank Wall considering Soil Structure Interaction
Authors: Patel, Chirag N.
Patel, Paresh V.
Kalkani, Ketan B.
Keywords: Circular Tank
Soil Structure Interaction
Finite Element Method
Civil Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 2007
Publisher: Allied Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
Citation: National Conference on Current Trends in Technology (NUCONE-2007); Nov.29-Dec.1, 2007
Abstract: Analysis of circular tank is generally carried out using IS 3370 (Pari IV) design tables, which gives coefficients for calculation of bending moment and tensile force. This analysis method considers base condition either hinged or fixed, and does not consider effect of soil condition under base slab of tank. The analysis results are influenced by soil a condition on which tank is resting. The effects of soil conditions under base of water tank on analysis of circular tank arc discussed in this paper. Circular tank with flat bottom and conical bottom are considered for soil-structure interaction study. A general purpose software SAP2000 is used for performing three dimensional finite element analysis. Elastic .springs are considered below base slab of tanks (o represent flexible support provided by soil. The effect of dead*load and water load are considered under different soil conditions. The objective of present study is to understand the effect of soil condition and base geometry on design forces of wall of open circular tank resting on ground. From results it is found that results are greatly affected by soil conditions.
Description: NUCONE-2007; Page No. 485-491
ISBN: 979-81-8424-261-3
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, Civil

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