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Title: Finite Element Modeling and Analysis Of Fluted Cylindrical Tank
Authors: Patel, Paresh V.
Kalkani, Ketan B.
Keywords: Fluted Cylindrical Tank
Finite Element Analysis
Shell Element
Civil Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 2006
Publisher: Allied Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
Citation: National Conference on Current Trends in Technology, Nov. 30-Dec. 2, 2006
Abstract: The Circular Cylindrical Shell type tanks ate frequently used for effluent treatment plants and water treatment plants. These tanks are usually built of cast in place reinforced cement concrete. Fluted sections comprising a number of vertical segmental shell units with their convex side facing inward can replace the circular wall of very large diameter cylindrical tanks subjected to internal pressure. Circular shell units are preferred to facilitate shape conforming construction. In tanks of effluent treatment plants functional considerations demand that deviations from cylindrical geometry be small so as not to interfere with the process. In this paper finite element modeling analysis of fluted cylindrical tank is discussed. Vertical bending moment and hoop forces are calculated for varying geometry of flutes and are compared with that of cylindrical water tank. It is observed that fluted tank is subjected to lower bending moment and hoop tension which leads to economical design in case of large size cylindrical tank.
Description: NUCONE-2006; Page No. 30-33
ISBN: 81-8424-140-2
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, Civil

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