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Title: Dynamic Analysis Of Rectangular Elevated Tank with Multiple Compartments as Per IS: 1893 Draft Code (Part–2)
Authors: Patel, Chirag N.
Patel, G. N.
Keywords: Compartmental Tank
Hydrodynamic Pressure
Impulsive Mass
Impulsive Mass
Convective Mass
Two Mass Model
Civil Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 2008
Publisher: Excel India Publishers
Citation: National Conference on Current Trends in Technology (NUCONE 2008), Nov. 27-29, 2008
Abstract: This paper presents the dynamic analysis of a rectangular elevated liquid storage tank with multiple compartments. Tank geometry has been taken as per standard height to length ratio and complete finite element models have been prepared using SAP 2000 software. The water mass inside the tank has been distributed appropriately to take into account the hydrodynamic forces developed due to impulsive as well as convective effects. Models have been prepared separately for impulsive and convective mass for all the geometry of the rectangular tank. From the analysis, time period and base shear have been compared with calculated value obtained from the expressions given in draft code IS 1893(part-2). The study reveals that the value of time period is differing in all the cases but change is not considerable in the case of base shear and moment. That indicates the provision of compartments in the tank serves the intended purpose without affecting economy.
Description: NUCONE-2008; Page No. 427-431
ISBN: 978-81-907196-8-1
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, Civil

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