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dc.contributor.authorInstitute of Technology, NU-
dc.description.abstractNUCONE 2009 focuses on specialized topics in each disciplines of Engineering. There are total eight sub-themes: CAD/CAM in Mechanical Engineering, Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering, Power Electronics, Machines & Power Systems, Signal Processing and Communication, Structural Engineering, Thermal Engineering, and VLSI Design & Technology. About 139 Peer reviewed technical papers have been selected for oral presentations from researchers of reputed institutes and organizations. The best paper award will be given to the student delegate for each sub-theme.en
dc.publisherInstitute of Technologyen
dc.subjectNUCONE 2009en
dc.subjectDr. K Kotechaen
dc.subjectDr. N M Bhatten
dc.subjectDr. U V Daveen
dc.subjectComputer Aided Design and Manufacturing in Mechanical Engineering (CCME)en
dc.subjectChemical and Environmental Engineering (CEE)en
dc.subjectComputer Science and Engineering (CSE)en
dc.subjectPower Electronics Machines and Power Systems (PEMPS)en
dc.subjectSignal Processing and Communication (SPC)en
dc.subjectStructural Engineering (SE)en
dc.subjectThermal Engineering (TE)en
dc.subjectVLSI Design and Technology (VDT)en
dc.titleNational Conference on Current Trends in Technology, November 25-27, 2009en
dc.typeConference Proceedingen
Appears in Collections:Conference Proceedings, IT

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