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Title: Priority Based Scheduling Of Multimedia Traffic on Real Time Linux Operating System
Authors: Sharma, Priyanka
Pradhan, S. N.
Keywords: Computer Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 2007
Citation: International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications (ICCIMA 2007)
Abstract: Multimedia traffics are conquering the computer networks. The multimedia communication system requires, the router's forwarding plane to forward the packet according to their QoS requirement. The computer network is an emerging challenge for the open source community. The paper covers mainly two basic components. The first is related to the installation and configuration aspects for implementing Dif./ServArchitecture using software routers (XORP). This is for priority based scheduling of multimedia traffic through a Real Time Linux OS. The second aspect is r£!lated to the development of a real time kernel module for queuing the multimedia UDP packets and background IP traffic into high and low priority based queues respectively, and releasing the former to the software based router(XORP) with higher priority. This involves interpreting the multimedia traffic based on their Type of Service(TOS) value in IPv4 setup and Traffic Class(TC) value in IPv6 network. Thus the module assists the XORP routers for the implementation of priority based scheduling.
Description: ICCIMA-2007; Page No. 225-229
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, CE

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