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Title: Effect of various solvents on bacterial growth in context of determining MIC of various antimicrobials
Authors: Kothari, Vijay
Keywords: Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper,Science
Science, faculty Paper
Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)
Issue Date: 2009
Publisher: Internet Scientific Publications
Abstract: Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) andethanol are frequently usedassolvent for natural as well assynthetic antibacterialcompounds, inorder to determine their MICs. Effect of thesesolventsonbacterialgrowthisanimportantfactortobeconsidered, while considering reproducibility f experimentsfor MIC determination.Present study imed at determiningtheeffect ofdifferent concentrations(1% to 6%) ofDMSO, ethanol, and methanol onthe growth offivedifferentbacteria.DMSO scoredbetterfollowedbymethanol andethanol, intermsof their compatibility withMICdetermination. Lowerconcentrationsofsolvents,whichapparently donot affectthebacterial growthsignificantly,maystillpotentiate the effectof antibacterialcompoundundertest.
Description: The Internet Journal of Microbiology,7 (1), 2009
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers

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