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Title: Genetic Algorithm Based Design Optimization Of A Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motor
Authors: Upadhyay, P. R.
Rajagopal, K. R.
Keywords: Electrical Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 2005
Publisher: American Institute of Physics
Abstract: Genetic algorithm (GA) based design optimization of a permanent magnet brushless dc motor is presented in this paper. A 70 W, 350 rpm, ceiling fan motor with radial-field configuration is designed by considering the efficiency as the objective function. Temperature-rise and motor weight are the constraints and the slot electric loading, magnet-fraction, slot-fraction, airgap, and airgap flux density are the design variables. The efficiency and the phase-inductance of the motor designed using the developed CAD program are improved by using the GA based Optimization technique; from 84.75% and 5.55 mH to 86.06% and 204 mH, respectively.
Description: Journal of Applied Physics, 97 (2005)
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, EE

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