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Title: A Novel Approach for Implementing Steganography with Computing Power Obtained by Combining Cuda and Matlab
Authors: Patel, Samir B.
Pradhan, S. N.
Ambegaokar, Saumitra U.
Keywords: CUDA
Computer Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: Nov-2009
Abstract: With the current development of multiprocessor systems, strive for computing data on such processor have also increased exponentially. If the multi core processors are not fully utilized, then even though we have the computing power the speed is not available to the end users for their respective applications. In accordance to this, the users or application designers also have to design newer applications taking care of the computing infrastructure available within. Our approach is to use the CUDA (Computing Unified Device Architecture) as backend and MATLAB as the front end to design an application for implementing steganography. Steganography is the term used for hiding information in the cover object like Image, Audio or Video data. As the computing required for multimedia data is much more than the text information, we have been successful in implementing Image Steganography with the help of technology for the next generation.
Description: International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, Vol.6 No.2, November 2009; Page No. 133-137
ISSN: 1947-5500
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, CE

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