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Title: Implementation of Discrete Wavelet Transform Using Lifting Structure
Authors: Kumar, G. Kiran
Keywords: 04MEC
EC Project Report
EC 2004
Project Report 2004
Project Report
VLSI 2004
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2006
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 04MEC008
Abstract: The project entitled “Implementation of DWT Using Lifting Scheme” is carried out as a part of M.Tech Dissertation at Doordarshan Kendra, Ahmedabad. The project aims at providing the implementation of Discrete wavelet transform. wavelet transform is a essential tool which is used in JPEG-2000 standard .there are many implementation schemes which can be used for the implementation, like systolic array which is serial implementation and parallal implementation .In a broad way there are three implementation schemes convolutional, polyphase and the new one on which I am working is the lifting scheme .Basically lifting scheme has given the evolution of the second generation wavelets. In JPEG-2000 they have standardized many filters, but the most useful filters are 5/3 lossless and 9/7 lossy filter .In this work I have worked on 5/3 lossless filter. The implementation has been carried out in MATLAB.this whole structure has been implemented and have the feel of this. Later on the reconfigurable architecture has been implemented in hardware and it has been compared with MATLAB values which I got from calculation and verified that implementation has been done at hardware also.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, EC (VLSI)

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