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Title: Implementation of Error detecting and Error correcting Algorithm
Authors: Malek, Mohammedzuber
Keywords: EC 2008
Project Report 2008
EC Project Report
Project Report
VLSI 2008
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2010
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 08MEC020
Abstract: As SRAM and DRAM devices are scaled down, the number of variation-induced defective memory cells increases rapidly. Combination of ECC, particularly SECDED, with a redundancy technique can e ectively tolerate a high number of defects. While SECDED can repair a defective cell in a block, the block becomes vulnerable to soft errors. Error correcting codes have been successfully employed to correct errors associated with failures in computer memories. A typical code which has found wide application is the binary Hamming code. This code corrects single bit errors. With the advent of large-scale integration (LSI) storage array technology, the likelihood of errors which exceed the correction and detection capability of such a code is signi cant. The e ectiveness of single error correcting, double error detecting (SECDED) memory relies on the assumption that most errors will involve only a single bit. Some studies indicate that approximately 98% of al memory errors are single bit errors. SEC-DED memory requires 7 extra bits in a 32-bit wide memory system, but only 8 extra bits in a 64-bit wide memory system. Error correcting memory is typically slower than non correcting memory due to the error correcting circuitry. Advantage to error correcting codes is that the system can monitor the rate at which correctable errors occur, and a marginal part can be replaced before uncorrectable errors occur. This report content implementation of SECDED Algorithm (Hamming base and min-odd weight base) in front-end and back-end. For front-end I used Xilinx and Modelsim for front-end simulation. In Back-end design content full custom design of min odd weight SECDED algorithms, for that I have used Intel tool and analysis of back-end design content performance, layout area and power dissipation simulation.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, EC (VLSI)

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