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dc.contributor.authorBhatt, Alap P.-
dc.description.abstractContinued development of highly compact and sensitive electronic components has led to the need for a simple and e ective method for controlling the thermal charac- teristics of these devices. Temperature control is a critical issue in sensitive devices such as CCDs, sensors etc. in optical payloads related to space applications. It is dicult to control temperature of these devices in vacuum because of sudden rise in temperature gradient. Initially di erent thermal control techniques in spacecraft have been discussed. The need for simple and reliable methods for dissipating precise amounts of thermal energy while maintaining the operating temperature of small- scale, heat-producing electronic devices under a variety of operating conditions in vacuum the heat pipe has been selected for mathematical optimized design. Heat pipe is one of the e ective component for controlling the temperature of sensi- tive devices. The advantage of heat pipe is its ecient heat transfer with minimum temperature gradient. Its passive operation removes the need of costly maintenance operation of onboard system of very much costlier spacecraft electronics components. Axially grooved heat pipes are having good operation capabilities in zero gravity. Axially grooved heat pipe is designed for required heat transport capability with minimum temperature gradient, also with least pressure drop. An axially grooved heat pipe has been optimized by choosing appropriate working uid and material to achieve maximum heat transfer rate in a very stringent space constraint. Design and analysis of a heat pipe is required to study the optimum design area for satellite application by showing the parameter dependency on each other by generating AI (Arti cial Intelligence) based MATLAB Code. MATLAB Code gives the self inde- pendency to prioritise the working uids from the available working uids. It gives the broader choice to identify the best parameters for the good performance before actual manufacturing is done.en
dc.publisherInstitute of Technologyen
dc.subjectMechanical 2008en
dc.subjectProject Report 2008en
dc.subjectMechanical Project Reporten
dc.subjectProject Reporten
dc.subjectThermal 2008-
dc.titleDesign and Analysis of an Axially Grooved Heat Pipeen
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, ME (Thermal)

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