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Title: Effective Use of MLM in SCM Distribution Network
Authors: Desai, Subhash
Desai, Apurva
Keywords: MLM
Distribution Network
Information Technology Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 20-Feb-2010
Publisher: Singhad Institute of Management, Pune
Citation: International Conference GIT-2010 "Green IT and Open Source", Feb 20-22,2010, Singhad Institute of Management, Pune
Series/Report no.: IDFIT001-1
Abstract: The Concept of multi-levelmarketing are very old. Very Old indeed! Paddlers in ancient times sold their wires to friends, traveled the countryside, displayed their wares at baazars and so fourth. It was direct selling. At the center of multi-level marketing is the concept of one person selling a product or service to another person. MLM companies emphasis not on direct selling. They follow Pyramid schemes and are illegal. Again, the problems of SCM and MLM are quite different but they are interconnected. They is need to understand the integration between them. In this review paper we will provide guidelines how best MLM plans are to be implemented for SCM distribution network.
Appears in Collections:Faculty Paper, IT - IDs

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