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Title: Simulation of Some Industrial Important Binary Distillation Columns
Authors: Joshipura, M. H.
Dabke, S. P.
Keywords: Binary Distillation
Separation Factor
Hydrocarbon Systems
Concentration Profile
Chemical Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: Dec-2004
Citation: CHEMCON, Indian Institute of Chemical Engineering, IIT, Mumbai, Dec 2004
Series/Report no.: ITFCH011-8
Abstract: Distillation is the most common unit operation in the chemical process industries and is still reported as the method of choice for many separations. Binary distillation is the ultimate separation / purification step. Separation Factor (SF) (Luyben,1990) for distillation is limited by vapor-liquid equilibrium ratios (K-values) in the form of Relative volatility (α12).Process modeling / simulation for conceptual design of binary distillation column is reported in literature mainly using (i) ideal VLE – constant relative volatility or (ii) two parameter relation for K-values(Doherty & Malone). We have attempted use of rigorous VLE model, UNIFAC. A model incorporating different variables, available in literature (Bequette W, 1996), is modified to make use of rigorous VLE models.. We have used MATLAB 6.1® and Spreadsheet for all simulation work. Steady state simulations are performed to show effect of above-mentioned variables on selection factor (Luyben, 1990) for some industrially important hydrocarbon systems. The model and simulation procedures can be useful in conceptual design.
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, Chemical

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