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Title: Endorsement Of Industrial Ecology Though By-Product Exchange (Bpx) Concept
Authors: Shah, Parin D.
Soni, Ronak A.
Keywords: Industrial Ecology
By-Product Exchange
Chemical Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 27-Oct-2006
Citation: International Conference on Green Competitiveness for Sustainable Development, Institute of Management Technology, Ghaziabad, India and George Mason University, Virginia USA and Monash University Victoria, Australia at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi , Oct. 27 - 28, 2006
Series/Report no.: ITFCH004-5
Abstract: This paper considers the By-Product Exchange (BPX) as the most familiar industrial ecology concept. The creation of BPXs has been one of the most frequently attempted strategies for applying industrial ecology. The core intention is creating a system for trading material, energy, and water by-products among companies, within an industrial park. Members expect to use previously discarded resources rather than wasting them, to reduce pollution, to cut disposal costs, and often to gain new revenues. There are also instances of single companies constructing networks of plants designed to utilize their by-products. For example, a sugar company in southern China built a paper mill, alcohol refinery, concrete plant, and other facilities. This paper reviews the benefits of participation in by-product exchanges (BPX) for industrial parks and their companies and also discusses the challenges in their development. This paper discusses steps in organizing exchanges and explores an alternative model for achieving high utilization of industry by-products. The paper emphasizes the importance of considering by-product exchanges in the broader context of ecoindustrial development.
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, Chemical

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