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Title: Finite Element Analysis and Design Optimization of a Critical Component (Moving Platen) of a Plastic Injection Molding Machine
Authors: Tomar, Abhishek
Keywords: Mechanical 2005
Project Report 2005
Mechanical Project Report
Project Report
CAD/CAM 2005
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2007
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 05MME001
Abstract: This project is aimed to obtain the solution for the reduction of weight of the moving platen and hence the overall cost (which is directly dependent on weight of moving platen) of the plastic Injection Molding Machine. Moving platen is to be optimized for weight reduction after analyzing the stress and deflection values with the help of Finite Element Analysis, to improve the reliability of the proposed design. In the plastic Injection Molding Machine, the various types of mold, i.e. small mold, long horizontal mold and long vertical mold are attached to the moving platen. The one side of platen is connected to adapter and ram and the mold is connected to the other end. The platen reciprocates on to the four Tie-bars, located at four corners of it. The moving platen closes the two halves of the mold then the molten material is filled into the mold cavity. When the pressure load is applied by the platen, reaction forces are offered by the mold side, and hence the deflections and stresses are experienced by it. Therefore, the moving platen is the critical component of the injection molding machine and a better optimized design is to be provided, so that the machine can have the competitive edge over the market in terms of the cost and Design. The modeling and then Finite Element Analysis of the moving platen have been carried out to analyze the strength of the existing platen. Optimization has been carried out for weight reduction and finally, conclusions have been drawn.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, ME (CAD/CAM)

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