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Title: Next Generation Science - Brain Computer Interface
Authors: Vashi, Devendra I.
Brahmabhatt, Divya
Jungi, Kamesh
Keywords: BCI
Computer Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 11-Mar-2009
Citation: National Conference on “Recent Advances on Communication system & Information Technology" Francis Xavier Engineering College, Vannarpettai Tirunelveli, March 11, 2009, Page No. 143-148
Series/Report no.: ITFCA008-2
Abstract: Brain computer interface (BCI) in next generation science that developing by scientist and researchers. Basically BCI is combination of various sciences and concepts i.e. ⇒ Neuroscience and ⇒ Computer Science ⇒ Artificial Intelligence etc BCI is related with technical interfacing with brain and the computer. How brain thinks, and how various changes are occur in brain? Such changes are observed by various techniques and one conclusion is determined. Computer now start making assuming by various complex calculation that what is specific kind or changes done in brain and what is interpretation of that what should be, it would very beneficial.
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, CE

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