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Title: Enhancing Information Security through Cryptography
Authors: Dabhi, Pratik
Patel, Kuntal P.
Keywords: Cryptography
Symmetric key
Asymmetric key
Computer Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 22-May-2009
Citation: International Conference on Downtrends Challenges in IT (DCIT) – 2009, Ludhiana, Punjab, May 22, 2009, Page No. 1-5
Series/Report no.: ITFCA006-2
Abstract: The success of today’s business in competitive world depends on how successfully and effectively they are using networked based information system. Also, use of the Internet becomes more central among many of the networked based information system in governmental agencies, corporate businesses and among individuals. Also, due to the rapid growth of digital communication and electronic data exchange, data and information security becomes a essential issue in businesses and administration. In this paper we had tried to explain how some of the cryptographic techniques can be useful to enhance the information security in networked based information system.
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, CE

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