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Title: Standardization and Security in Network Based Information System
Authors: Patel, Kuntal P.
Keywords: ICT
Computer Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 31-Jul-2007
Citation: International Conference on Global Trend in IT (ITGTIT) – 2007, Ludhiana, Punjab, July 31, 2007
Series/Report no.: ITFCA006-4
Abstract: The success of today’s business in competitive world depends on how successfully and effectively they are using networked based information system. Such information systems are used with the main objective to make “paper-less office”. Also, use of the Internet becomes more central among such networked based information system in governmental agencies, corporate businesses and among individuals. To stay safe over the network lots of national and international level standards are available giving guidelines for network security improvement, in this paper how one can accept and use such standards for improving network security is discussed. Also, with the procedure for standards implementation, general security improvement guidelines are given in this paper.
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, CE

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