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Title: Text to Speech Synthesizer
Authors: Mecwan, Akash I.
Savani, Vijay G.
Shah, Dhaval G.
Keywords: EC Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 27-Nov-2008
Publisher: Excel India Publishers
Citation: National Conference on Current Trends in Technology (NUCONE 2008), November 27-29, 2008, Page No. 1-6
Series/Report no.: ITFEC025-4
Abstract: Think of communication between a dumb person and a blind person. What would they do to communicate? The only sense that both the person has in common is hearing. So by whatever mean they need to communicate using that sense and this clearly signifies that dumb person must speak out loud. Our project also aims to such kind of system, which can produce artificial speech by concatenating and synthesizing such words. The paper discusses about different methodology and means to convert raw text into hearable sound from dumb machine. The aspects of programming the machine to speak as well as designing of stand-alone hardware to speak are presented in this paper. The research is going on for the last two decades to produce a stand alone hardware which can produce natural voice same as human and can be used in the applications as illustrated later in the paper.
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, EC

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