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dc.contributor.authorGajjar, Sachin-
dc.identifier.citationInternational Conference On Signal, Systems And Automation, (ICSSA-09), V. V. Nagar, December 28-29, 2009en
dc.description.abstractWireless Sensor Networks have enormous potential because they expand human ability to monitor and interact remotely with the physical world. Smart sensors are able to collect huge amount of hitherto unknown data, which will pave the way for a new class of computing applications. Sensors can be deployed and accessed remotely where it is not viable to lay data and power lines. They yield fine grained pictures of real-world phenomena that are currently modeled only on a large scale. Nevertheless, to exploit the full potential of sensor networks, we must first address the peculiar limitations of these special networks and the resulting technical issues. For different application areas, there are different technical issues that researchers are currently resolving. This paper presents technical issues influencing Wireless Sensor Network design like Hardware constraints, Network Reliability, Production cost, Transmission media, Time Synchronization, Security and Privacy, Coverage, Heterogeneity, Application, dependently, Localization, Scalability, Data aggregation, Data rate, Topology control, Power consumption, Self configurability, Dependability, QoS, Data centeredness and Simplicity. These factors are significant because they serve as a guideline to design a protocol or an algorithm for WSN.en
dc.subjectWireless Sensor Networks Designen
dc.subjectSubsystems of Sensor Networksen
dc.subjectEC Faculty Paperen
dc.subjectFaculty Paperen
dc.titleFactors influencing the Wireless Sensor Network Designen
dc.typeFaculty Papersen
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, EC

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