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Title: Computer Aided Analysis of Wind Turbine Components
Authors: Desai, Devang H.
Keywords: Mechanical 2005
Project Report 2005
Mechanical Project Report
Project Report
Lift Force,
Drag Force
Blade Design
Momentum Theory,
Blade Element Theory,
Bearing Reaction.
CAD/CAM 2005
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2007
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 05MME005
Abstract: As, we know that Conventional Energy Sources are depleting and may be exhausted by the end of the century or beginning of the next century. So, in future non-conventional energy sources are the sources those are to be utilized more. Wind is one of the non-conventional energy sources. Wind turbine is the component that extracts the wind energy and transfer into mechanical energy. The aim of this project is stress analysis of wind turbine blade with horizontal axis, hub and find out the reaction on the bearings. The aero dynamic forces like lift and drag of HAWT (Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine) are investigated theoretically by analysis involving a combination of momentum energy & blade element theory. Based on these theories, programme has been developed to calculate aerodynamic forces and design of the chord length of the blade at various section of the blade. These data are then used as input to simulation. E-40 machine of Enercon Pvt. Ltd is taken as case study. Design of various components like blade, hub and bearing are carried out. Methodology for FE simulation have been developed which would help to cope with dynamic changes in WECS (Wind Energy Conversion System) designs. FE simulation with composite laminate is also explained in this project report.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, ME (CAD/CAM)

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