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Title: Performance Analysis of Alamouti Scheme with Transmit Antenna Selection in MISO Systems
Authors: Trivedi, Y. N.
Chaturvedi, A. K.
Keywords: SER
EC Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 29-Jan-2010
Citation: National Conference on Communications (NCC), IIT Madras, January 29-31, 2010, Page No. 36-42
Series/Report no.: ITFEC002-5
Abstract: We consider a Multiple Input Single Output (MISO) system equipped with Lt transmit antennas in spatially uncorrelated Rayleigh fading channels. We consider a sub-optimum Antenna Selection (AS) scheme, wherein all the Lt antennas are divided into two groups with L1 and L2 antennas such that L1 + L2 = Lt. Assuming perfect CSI, the best single antenna within each group is selected. For the well known Alamouti transmit diversity, we derive exact closed-form expressions for the pdf of received SNR, probability of outage and SER for MPSK and MQAM constellations.
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, EC

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