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Title: Amplitude Frequency Response Measurement - A Simple Technique
Authors: Satish, L.
Vora, Santosh C.
Keywords: Frequency Response Amplitude and Phase
Impedance Analyzer
Normal and Envelope Acquisition Mode
Sweep Frequency Measurement
Transformer Diagnostics
Electrical Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: Aug-2010
Publisher: IEEE
Series/Report no.: ITFEE007-3
Abstract: A simple method is described to combine a modern function generator and a digital oscilloscope to configure a setup that can directly measure the amplitude frequency response of a system. This is achieved by synchronously triggering both instruments, with the function generator operated in the “Linear-Sweep” frequency mode, while the oscilloscope is operated in the “Envelope” acquisition mode. Under these conditions, the acquired envelopes directly correspond to the (input and output signal) spectra, whose ratio yields the amplitude frequency response. The method is easy to configure, automatic, time-efficient, and does not require any external control or interface or programming. This method is ideally suited to impart hands-on experience in sweep frequency response measurements, demonstrate resonance phenomenon in transformer windings, explain the working principle of an impedance analyzer, practically exhibit properties of network functions, and so on. The proposed method is an inexpensive alternative to existing commercial equipment meant for this job and is also an effective teaching aid. Details of its implementation, along with some practical measurements on an actual transformer, are presented.
Description: IEEE Transactions on Education, 53 (3) August, 2010, Page No. 365-371
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, EE

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