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dc.contributor.authorVora, Santosh C.-
dc.contributor.authorSatish, L.-
dc.descriptionIEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Issue 99, December, 2010, Page No. 1-6 also (Vol. 60 (04) April, 2011, page No. 1283 - 1290)en
dc.description.abstractProhibitive test time, nonuniformity of excitation, and signal nonlinearity are major concerns associated with employing dc, sine, and triangular/ramp signals, respectively, while determining static nonlinearity of analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) with high resolution (i.e., ten or more bits). Attempts to overcome these issues have been examined with some degree of success. This paper describes a novel method of estimating the “true” static nonlinearity of an ADC using a low-frequency sine signal (for example, less than 10 Hz) by employing the histogram-based approach. It is based on the well-known fact that the variation of a sine signal is “reasonably linear” when the angle is small, for example, in the range of ±5◦ to ±7◦. In the proposed method, the ADC under test has to be “fed” with this “linear” portion of the sinewave. The presence of any harmonics and offset in input excitation makes this linear part of the sine signal marginally different compared with that of an ideal ramp signal of equal amplitude. However, since it is a sinusoid, this difference can be accurately determined and later compensated from the measured ADC output. Thus, the corrected ADC output will correspond to the true ADC static nonlinearity. The implementation of the proposed method is discussed along with experimental results for two 8-b ADCs and one 10-b ADC which are then compared with the static characteristics estimated by the conventional DC method.en
dc.subjectAnalog-to-digital converter (ADC)en
dc.subjectHistogram Testen
dc.subjectIEEE 1057en
dc.subjectSinewave Testingen
dc.subjectStatic Testingen
dc.subjectElectrical Faculty Paperen
dc.subjectFaculty Paperen
dc.titleADC Static Nonlinearity Estimation Using Linearity Property of Sinewaveen
dc.typeFaculty Papersen
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, EE

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