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Title: Promotion of Scientific and Technological Temper Empowering India by creating Scientific & Technological ambiance
Authors: Chhaya, Lipi K.
Keywords: CSIR
Rain Water Harvesting
Renewable Energy Sources
Scientific Temper
EC Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 27-Oct-2009
Citation: 6th International Conference on Hands-on Science for All Quest for Excellence, HSCI 2009, Science City, Ahmedabad, October 27- 31, 2009, Page No. 257-262
Series/Report no.: IDFEC007-1
Abstract: Science has several rewards as inventions are the result of diligent efforts. As Adam Smith has rightly said, "Science is the great antidote to the poison of enthusiasm and superstition.” Science and technology has the ability to herald a revolution in terms of social, economical and intellectual. Science is the best art produced in the last century. Science education has an important role to play in the cultural and social development of human kind and for evolving a civilized society. The essence of scientific spirit is to think globally and work at a grass root level. Since scientific knowledge is universal in nature, promotion of scientific temper has become an essential matter for empowering India. Looking into the past, we can see all of the beneficial advancements we have made and how far we have come. Science and technology will continue to benefit society because there will always be new problems popping up over time that will need something bigger, better or a new cure for. Education is the base for scientific and technological advancements and personnel training of human beings. In the midst of overall concern of the rejuvenation drive, Education especially Science Education must get a strategic priority. The Founders of the Indian Republic gave a great importance to the nurturing of “Scientific Temper” among the society of this country by suitably incorporating it in our constitution. Though the country today can claim in various spheres like atomic energy, space ,telecommunication and information technology, it is a matter of regret that the Scientific temper among the society, more so with the educated civic has not progressed to the desirable extent. As scientific inventions gave birth to innovative technologies, continuous efforts should be made by the government and all of us who are educated and civilized and can contribute their best in the promotion of scientific temper.
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, EC - IDs

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