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dc.contributor.authorPareek, Suresh R.-
dc.identifier.citationNational Institute of Technology, Rourkela, April 15 - 16, 2004en
dc.description.abstractWith the rapid technological advancement along with the increasing demands for qualitative and specialized manpower, there exists a strong need to improvise the current technical education management. Issues before the managers of the technical education are entrance level qualification to various institutes, admission procedure, intake capacity of institutes, autonomy and accountability of the institutes, quality and quantity of the research activities, importance and quality of the postgraduate and Ph. D studies, better curriculum design to enhance the industrial exposure, industry institute interaction to promote excellence at both places. Paper incorporates discussion on these key issues and suggested measures to improve the current status of the technical education for future development.en
dc.subjectCurrent Statusen
dc.subjectKey Issuesen
dc.subjectTechnical Educationen
dc.subjectMechanical Faculty Paper-
dc.subjectFaculty Paper-
dc.titleKey Issues and Measures to Improve the Current Status of Technical Education for Future Developmenten
dc.typeFaculty Papersen
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, ME - IDs

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