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dc.contributor.authorDesai, Subhash G.-
dc.contributor.authorBuddhadev, B. V.-
dc.description.abstractIn India, approximately 70 to 80% of total populaon live in rurl aeas. Hence, ll secors of fe ike Educon, Communicon, Heahce, Transporation, Economil, Industl, Socl and Personal growth of people in rurl aeas need onstnt aention. Effecive communicon for Information fow is badly needed in SCM and ERP ike Informaon Systems. As we ll know hat n a hanging word wih a dynamic equirement, equest for hange e unavoidable. You n never manage t wihout effecive ommunicon. Although here e many ways ommunicon systems work but o meet he need of changed demand one must be able o do fast relible ommunicon (point o point). The use of mobile phone is inceasing rpidly in both urban and rurl aeas. There may have been a tme when Indians could not suceed in India. But that is gone now. Today, there is not very much of a technology gap between India and he rest of the word. Advnces in elecommunicons have ceaed a global economy and we ae rpidly getng to a point where something has the same ue any where in the world iespecive of where the 'vaue'has been added. In this paper we shall discuss the manner in which these communicon tools help in overoming some of the problems of SCM in rurl aeasen
dc.subjectInformation Technology Faculty Paperen
dc.subjectFaculty Paperen
dc.titleMobile Communication and its effect on SCM Processes in rural areaen
dc.typeFaculty Papersen
dc.identifier.CoferenceNational Seminar on Emerging Technologies & Applications – ETA 2003, Department of Computer Science, Smt. C. R. Gardi Institute of M.C.A, Saurashtra University, Rajkot, July 11 - 13, 2003, Page No. 22-23-
Appears in Collections:Faculty Paper, IT - IDs

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