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dc.contributor.authorAggarwal, Aditya-
dc.contributor.authorKapadia, Prachi-
dc.contributor.authorTrivedi, Y. N.-
dc.identifier.citationInternational Conference on Devices and Communications (IDeCOM), BIT, Mesra, Ranchi, February 24-25, 2011en
dc.description.abstractIn this paper, we propose a simple technique for the reduction of high Peak to Average Power Ratio (PAPR), based on Clipping and Differential Scaling, in Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) systems. In this technique, the amplitude of complex OFDM signal is clipped and then scaled in such a way so that the PAPR is reduced without causing much degradation in bit error rate (BER). We have determined the threshold values for clipping and scaling using Monte Carlo Simulations. We have presented PAPR and BER of the system considered using simulations for QPSK constellation. We have also compared the performance of the proposed PAPR reduction technique with the performance of the existing techniques.en
dc.subjectEC Faculty Paperen
dc.subjectFaculty Paperen
dc.titlePAPR Reduction in OFDM Systems: A Simple Approach Based on Clipping and Differential Scalingen
dc.typeFaculty Papersen
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, EC

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