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Title: Assessment of Urban Heat Island Intensities over Delhi
Authors: Mohan, Manju
Gurjar, B. R.
Bhati, Sweta
Kandya, Anurag
Keywords: Urban Heat Island
Micrometeorological Experiments
Land-Use Land-Cover
Anthropogenic Emissions
Energy Demand
Civil Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 29-Jun-2009
Citation: The Seventh International Conference on Urban Climate, Yokohama, Japan, June 29 - July 03, 2009
Series/Report no.: ITFCL030-3
Abstract: A field campaign was undertaken during summer, May 2008 named DELHI-I (Delhi Experiments to Learn Heat Island Intensity –I) to understand the latest intensity and dynamics of heat-island phenomena in Delhi, Surface meteorological observations were performed using multisite ground based mini weather stations and meteorological towers. Urban heat island effects were found to be most dominant in areas of dense built up infrastructure and intense human activity. Higher magnitude of UHI observed during day hours in summer is expected to increase cooling energy requirements in tropical cities such as Delhi and further strengthen the UHI leading to vicious cycle problem.
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, Civil

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