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Title: Secure Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks - A Survey
Authors: Solanki, Paresh
Raval, Gaurang
Keywords: Data Aggregation
End to End Encryption
Wireless Sensor Networks
Computer Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 7-Dec-2009
Citation: International Conference on Sensors and Related Networks - SENNET ’09, Vellore, December 7 - 10, 2009, Page No. 1-7
Series/Report no.: ITFIT002-7
Abstract: The primary use of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is to collect and process data. 70% of energy consumption is due to data transmission. Because of the hostile environment and unique properties of wireless sensor network all raw data samples are not directly sent to the sink node, but data aggregation is applied. Also, Wireless sensor nodes are often deployed in an open environment such as a battlefield or other similar applications. Data confidentiality and integrity are vital issues in such conditions, hence secure aggregation is required. Hop by hop secure data aggregation is resource consuming compared with end to end secure encrypted data aggregation. Currently various efficient schemes are available for end to end secure encrypted data aggregation. This paper provides the survey on existing hop by hop and end to end secure data aggregation schemes.
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, CE

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