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Title: Optimization of Real Time Scheduling using Ant Colony in Multimedia Systems
Authors: Sharma, Priyanka
Kansara, Purvi
Kotecha, K.
Keywords: Multimedia Streaming
Quality of Service (QoS)
Real Time Scheduling
Hybrid Scheduling
Ant Colony Optimization( ACO)
NP Problem
Computer Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: Feb-2011
Citation: 3rd ICMLC (International Conference on Machine Learning and Computing), Singapore, February, 2011
Series/Report no.: ITFCE011-3
Abstract: Abstract—Multimedia streaming requires real-time scheduling for effective management of video frames during transmission.Real-time scheduling of multimedia streaming is a NP problem[10],[13] .In multimedia application, it is not necessary for every instance of a repetitive task to meet its deadline as loss of certain frames in multimedia streams does not cause a significant QoS degradation. So multimedia streams may have soft firm deadlines. Because of the complexity of the network and real-time stream video on demand, the scheduling algorithm has great influence on the QoS. Analysis and experiments of researchers show that Real Time Media Streaming is NP Hard Problem[13]. Swarm Intelligence[18] has proved to be an efficient technique for Optimization of the scheduling process.Implementation of ACO for scheduling provide better optimal solution in heterogenous environment also.We propose the ACO[5] based hybrid scheduling algorithm for multimedia frames to get the near to optimal solution in the overloaded condition and optimized delay and jitter with better quality of video.
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, CE

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