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Title: Tri-Mode Horn Array fed Multiple-Beam Offset Reflector Antenna with Low Cross-Polarization and Improved Side lobes
Authors: Pujara, D. A.
Chakrabarty, S. B.
Dey, Ranajit
Agnihotri, Iia
Sharma, S. B.
Keywords: Cross Polarization
Multiple-Beam Antenna
Offset Reflector
Tri-Mode horn
EC Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: Nov-2008
Publisher: IEEE
Citation: International Conference on Recent Advances in Microwave Theory and Applications, Jaipur, November, 2008, Page No. 8-11
Series/Report no.: ITFEC005-4
Abstract: In the present paper, the cross polarization reduction and improvement in the sidelobes have been discussed for a multiple beam offset parabolic reflector antenna illuminated by an array of uniformly excited trimode horns. The simulated secondary patterns have been obtained for a single trimode horn fed offset reflector and also for a tri-mode horn array fed multibeam offset reflector. The results are compared with a conventional potter horn and the significant improvement in the cross polarization and sidelobes are observed.
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, EC

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