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dc.contributor.authorShah, Monika-
dc.contributor.authorTrivedi, Rakshit-
dc.contributor.authorMehta, Priyank-
dc.contributor.authorPattani, Pratik-
dc.descriptionInternational Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, Vol. 1 (2), May, 2009, Page No. 144-148en
dc.description.abstractThe central idea presented in this paper is to show the architecture and working of an Operating System running over the network, thus leading to global computing. "PROS", as it is named, provides transparency meaning it would work same as a real operating system on the PC without need of static installation. PROS would load up on the user's PC irrespective of the location along with user’s personalized settings providing with the feel of pervasive computing. By real operating system, we mean that it would provide all the features such as memory management, scheduling, on demand loading etc, thus making it different from the prevailing WEB OS's which are a collection of several Web Services clubbed together, and require a browser and a base operating system to work on. PROS will be able to work independently of other existing operating systems and thereby would be the only operating system that the host machine has to interact with. Such an operating system will be much more economical and will also help the client machine to be less hardware dependent. In addition to operating system services on a local machine, it provides mobility to run operating system from any computer system with configured settings.en
dc.publisherAcademy Publisheren
dc.subjectVirtual Net-Based OSen
dc.subjectWEB OSen
dc.subjectWEB FSen
dc.subjectOperating Systemen
dc.subjectLive CDen
dc.subjectComputer Faculty Paperen
dc.subjectFaculty Paperen
dc.titlePROS - An Omnipresent Operating Systemen
dc.typeFaculty Papersen
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, CE

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