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Title: Design and Development of a Conjugate Matched Feed for an Offset Parabolic Reflector Antenna
Authors: Sharma, S. B.
Pujara, D. A.
Chakrabarty, S. B.
Keywords: Corrugated Horn
Cross Polarization
Offset Reflector Antenna
EC Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: Jan-2010
Series/Report no.: ITFEC005-9
Abstract: This article presents the design and radiation characteristics of a dual-mode corrugated matched feed horn. This type of feed eliminates the unwanted high cross-polarization of an offset parabolic reflector antenna and improves the overall performance of the antenna sub-system. In a cylindrical corrugated structure, higher order HE21 mode is added with the fundamental HE11 mode to configure a dual-mode corrugated horn. For the proposed horn, the return-loss characteristics and the far-field radiation patterns were measured and the results are compared with the simulated results. The horn has been used as a primary feed device to illuminate a linearly polarized offset parabolic reflector antenna and the improvement in the cross
Description: Microwave And Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 52 (2), January, 2010, Page No. 113-116
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, EC

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