Poster Presentations : [105] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 105
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
PPP0083.pdf.jpg2018Formulation of Glutathione Appended Asiatic Acid Nanoparticulate System For Brain Targeting Delivery In Alzheimer's DiseasesRaval, Nishith; Barai, Priyal; Acharya, Niyati; Acharya, Sanjeev
PPP0082.pdf.jpgMar-2018Development and Optimization Of Phytoconstituent Loaded Chitosan Nano particles Using Quality By Design ApproachDhas, Namdev Laxmanrao; Mehta, Tejal Amit
PPP081.pdf.jpg23-Feb-2018Development of Lipid Nano particulate System of Anti-Cancer AgentPatel, Mayur M.; Sharma, Swati S.; Rawal, Shruti U.; Saxena, Shobhit S.; Patel, Bhoomika M.
PDR00513.pdf.jpgMay-2018Evolution of Anda Submission and Impact of Current Guidance of Approval ProcessMajmudar, Nishita D.
PPP045.pdf.jpg23-Jan-2014Correlation Between Clinical Presention and treatment Protocol on the outcome of acute lymphoblastic Leukemla at a tertiary at a tertlary care centreShah, Jigna
2017A Review on Medicinal Chemistry of Potassium Chanel Modulator: Update from Decade of ProgressVyas, Vivek K.; Ramani, Jonali; Parikh, Palak; Ghate, Manjunath
PPP079.pdf.jpg4-Feb-2017Effect of Space Radiations on the Stability of Selected Drugs and Their Tablet FormulationsBhayani, Dhara; Naik, Haladhara; Nathaniel, Newton T.; Mehta, Priti
PPP078.pdf.jpg2017Design, Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Substituted Pyrimidine As Anti-Cancer AgentsGediya, Piyush A; Patel, Kinjal B.; Ghate, Manjunath
PPP077.pdf.jpg4-Feb-2014Effect of Space Radiations on the Stability of Selected Drugs and their Tablet FormulationsBhayani, Dhara; Naik, Haladhara; Nathaneil, T. Newton; Mehta, Priti
PPP076.pdf.jpg2-Feb-2017Liquid Phase Polymer Assisted Combinatorial Synthesis of Various Substitutes 5H-Benzimidazol[1,2- D][1,4]Benzodiazepin-6(7H)-One Derivatives as Antitubercular AgentsSitwala, Nikum; Ghate, Manjunath
PPP075.pdf.jpg24-Jan-2017Use of Liquisolid Approach to Improve the Dissolution of Poorly Soluble Drug NimodipinePrajapti, Manali; Butani, Shital
PPP074.pdf.jpg24-Jan-2017Carrier Mediated Dry Powder Inhaler Formulation of Rifampicin: Performance EvaluationRawal, Tejal; Butani, Shital
PPP073.pdf.jpgFeb-2017Nanoparticle Assisted Combination Cancer ChemotherapyRawal, Shruti; Patel, Mayur
PPP072.pdf.jpg2-Feb-2017Neuroprotective effects of Bergenia Ciliata Ex-tracts and Bergenin Against NMDA Induced Tox-icity in SH-SY5Y Cells: An in Vitro AnalysisBarai, Priyal; Raval, Nishith; Acharya, Sanjeev; Acharya, Niyati
PPP071.pdf.jpg4-Feb-2017Targeting Local Receptors for Surgical Site InfectionDhal, Chetan; Mishra, Renuka
PPP070.pdf.jpg4-Feb-2017Encapsulation of Rifampicin in a Solid Base Liquid Matrix to Improve its Stability on Oral AdministrationChokshi, Nimitt; Patel, Mayur
PPP069.pdf.jpg3-Feb-2017Design and Optimization of Multiparticulate System of Gastro Protective AgentShah, Neha; Mehta, Tejal
PPP068.pdf.jpg2-Feb-2017Skin Permeation Estimation Using Fluorescein Sodium as Marker and its Enhancement Using Fulvic AcidDhas, Namdev L.; Acharya, Sanjeev R.
PPP067.pdf.jpg3-Feb-2017Bamboo: Boon to Mankind A Review for its Ethno Medicinal Uses, Phytochemistry, and Medicinal PotentialsPatel, Mansi; Mehta, Priti
PPP066.pdf.jpg2-Feb-2017Comparative in-vitro Dissolution Study of Pramipexole and Pramipexole Pamoate by Using USP Paddle Method and the Flow Through Cell SystemChaudhary, Komal; Mehta, Priti; Shah, Sandeep; Dharmadhikari, Shantanu
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 105