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Title: Vulnerability Assessment of Buildings Through Rapid Visual Survey using GIS
Authors: Patel, Chirag N.
Patel, Paresh V.
Keywords: Seismic Vulnerability
Rapid Visual Survey
Civil Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: May-2010
Publisher: Academy Publisher (ACEEE)
Series/Report no.: ITFCL002-6
Abstract: This paper presents a methodology to predict the qualitative seismic vulnerability of buildings based on a number of structural parameters determined on the basis of engineering knowledge and observations through rapid visual survey (RVS). It’s better to evaluate earthquake damage in a probabilistic way due to the uncertainty in occurrence of earthquake and respective structural response. Again, detailed seismic vulnerability evaluation is a technically complex and expensive procedure and can be applied on a very few number of buildings. Therefore, Rapid Visual Survey (RVS) can be much more effective to rapidly evaluate the vulnerability profile of different types of buildings, so that more complex procedures can be applied to the most critical buildings. RVS was carried out in Gandhidham city. Subsequent to RVS database of buildings having various features and having different range of score can be prepared. Further analytical study can be carried out to prepare risk maps for better disaster mitigation strategy. As RVS is the first stage for Seismic vulnerability assessment of the building, after that preliminary and detailed survey is carried out. The study area was divided into 12 wards. For each building, performance score was calculated and using data collected through the RVS, building database was generated using GIS for Apnanagar area of Gandhidham city. Using GIS the performance scores were rationalized and 3D building vulnerability map is generated. Statistical analysis is done using the database generated and conclusion is drawn for the buildings which are vulnerable and the percentage of the undesirable and desirable features of R.C.C. & Masonry building were calculated for Apnanagar area of Gandhidham city.
Description: International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, Vol. 3 (5), May, 2010, Page No. 40-45
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, Civil

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