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dc.contributor.authorMehta, Usha-
dc.contributor.authorDasgupta, K. S.-
dc.contributor.authorDevashrayee, N. M.-
dc.identifier.citation2010 Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (APCCAS 2010), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, December 6-9, 2010en
dc.description.abstractFor SoCs (Sea of Cores!) which contains a large amount of IP cores with pre computed test data, the code based test data compression scheme is more suitable as it does not require any knowledge of internal nodes of IP. The data compression of any partially specified test data depends upon how the unspecified bits are filled with 1s and 0s. In this paper, the five different approaches for don’t care bit filling based on nature of runs are proposed. These methods are used here to predict the maximum compression based on entropy relevant to different run length based data compression code. These methods are also analyzed for test power and area overhead corresponding to run length based codes. The results are shown with various ISCAS circuits.en
dc.subjectUnspecified Test Dataen
dc.subjectCode Based Data Compression Methodsen
dc.subjectCompression Predicted by Entropyen
dc.subjectEC Faculty Paperen
dc.subjectFaculty Paperen
dc.titleCombining Unspecified Test Data Bit Filling Methods and Run Length Based Codes to Estimate Compression, Power and Area Overheaden
dc.typeFaculty Papersen
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, EC

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