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Title: Modified Selective Huffman Coding for Optimization of Test Data Compression, Test Application Time and Area Overhead
Authors: Mehta, Usha
Dasgupta, K. S.
Devashrayee, N. M.
Keywords: IP core based SoC
Huffman Code
Optimal selective Huffman Code
Test-data Compression
Test Application Time
On-chip Area-Overhead
EC Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: Dec-2010
Publisher: Springer
Series/Report no.: ITFEC010-6
Abstract: A compression-decompression scheme, Modified Selective Huffman (MS-Huffman) scheme based on Huffman code is proposed in this paper. This scheme aims at optimization of the parameters that influence the test cost reduction: the compression ratio, on-chip decoder area overhead and overall test application time. Theoretically, it is proved that the proposed scheme gives the better test data compression compared to very recently proposed encoding schemes for any test set. It is clearly demonstrated with a large number of experimental results that the proposed scheme improves the test data compression, reduces overall test application time and on-chip area overhead compared to other Huffman code based schemes.
Description: Journal of Electronic Testing Theory and Applications, Vol. 26 (6), December, 2010, Page No. 679-688
ISSN: 0923-8174
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, EC

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