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dc.contributor.authorTrivedi, Y. N.-
dc.contributor.authorChaturvedi, A. K.-
dc.descriptionIET Communications, Vol. 5, Issue 6, 2011, Page No. 827–834en
dc.description.abstractThe authors consider a multiple input single output (MISO) system in which both transmit beamforming and antenna selection (AS) are implemented using delayed channel state information (CSI) at the transmitter (CSIT). The performance of the system has been analysed for three different AS schemes wherein two out of N antennas are selected at the transmitter. The authors have derived closed-form expressions for the probability density function of the received signal-to-noise, bit error rate and outage probability for each AS scheme considered. The expressions have been obtained as a function of the correlation between perfect CSI at the receiver (CSIR) and delayed CSIT. The authors also discuss some special cases and compare them with the results available in the literature.en
dc.publisherThe Institution of Engineering and Technologyen
dc.subjectEC Faculty Paperen
dc.subjectFaculty Paperen
dc.titlePerformance Analysis of Multiple input Single Output Systems Using Transmit Beamforming and Antenna Selection with Delayed Channel State Information at the Transmitteren
dc.typeFaculty Papersen
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, EC

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