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Title: Katyotypic Analysis in Case of Multiple Abortions
Authors: Chandpara, Nisha
Keywords: Biochemistry 2011
Project Report 2011
Biochemistry Project Report
Project Report
Issue Date: Apr-2011
Publisher: Institute of Sciecne
Abstract: PURPOSE: This study was conducted to determine the contribution of chromosomal abnormatilies in multiple abortions by means of karyotypic analysis. MATERIALS & METHODS: A total of 6 female individuals were enrolled in the study. Two were having three spontaneous abortions, two were having first normal delivery followed by two spontaneous abortions, and two were having first normal delivery followed by five spontaneous abortions. Chromosomal analysis from short-term cultured peripheral blood lymphocytes was performed according to the standard cytogenetic methods using GTG banding techniques. RESULT: Abnormal karyotype was found in one female (16.7%) with Robertsonian translocation t(13;14) and other five female were found to be having normal karyotype (83.3%). CONCLUSION: The results indicated that chromosomal abnormalities can play a role in some cases of multiple abortions. Cytogenetic analysis could be valuable for these females when clinical data fail to clarify the cause.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, BC

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