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dc.contributor.authorPatel, Alpesh P.-
dc.description.abstractLooking to the fast pace of development that is to be taken care of by professional engineers and globalization of professional services to be rendered, it becomes important to appraise them in the area of design for industrial structures, which has a wide spectrum to be dealt with. Bunker and silo is one of the storage structure required for industrial plants to store various kinds of materials such as coal, grains, cement etc. Hence it is necessary to appraise regarding the design procedures for such structures, which includes the study of codal provisions leading to analysis and design along with detailing of the same. The present study is the step in the direction to give relevant technical information, illustrating the theoretical background and codal provisions along with detail design procedure and use of computer programming language (c++) for analysis and design of various components of silo. CHAPTER 1.Covers abstract and conclusion of each write up presented in various research papers, books, journals, websites etc. which focus on various aspect of structure like behavior of structure after construction, different shape of container and effect of it on silo wall analysis, comparison of software result with manual calculations for analysis of inverted cone, stresses in silo and a case study on tower silo foundation. It also includes several experimental studies on silo, which gives brief knowledge of behavior of silo. CHAPTER 2.Deals with theoretical background of analysis and design of various components of silo. It includes introduction, classification and definition, functional design of bin, different flow pattern, and methods due to granular and powdery material. It also includes effect of opening, flow irregularities etc. CHAPTER 3.Covers load consideration in silo design, which includes different loads like dead load, live load, equipment load, wind load, load due to thermal effect, seismic load and combination of loads. CHAPTER 4.Deals with design aspect of R.C.C silo, provision of reinforcement as per Indian code and ACI code, theoretical aspect of special silo like ring silo, homogenizing silo, FRP silo, prestress concrete silo. It also includes construction methodology for silo and parametric study on effect of opening. iv CHAPTER 5.Explains the design example in which calculation of analysis and design of each component of double cylindrical concentric silo (ring silo) has been explained. Analysis of inverted cone is done using STAAD-PRO software. CHAPTER 6.Conclusions from the study and future scope is covered in this chapter. Computer programming of different components of silo are listed in Appendix-I. Comparison of results obtained from manual calculation and from programming is tabulated as shown in Appendix-II. Detailed drawings are given in Appendix- III.en
dc.publisherInstitute of Technologyen
dc.subjectCivil 2004en
dc.subjectProject Report 2004en
dc.subjectCivil Project Reporten
dc.subjectProject Reporten
dc.subjectCASAD 2002-
dc.titleDesign of Large Size Siloen
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, CL (CASAD)

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