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Title: Enhanced Tracking Mechanism and User Interface in offset Curve Feature of cad Software NX
Authors: Desai, Devansh K.
Keywords: Topological Entities
Geometric Entities
Feature Modeling
UI- components
UI Framework
O set Curve
Track Table
Mechanical 2009
Project Report 2009
Mechanical Project Report
Project Report
CAD/CAM 2009
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2011
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 09MME003
Abstract: In today's world most of the products developed are dependent upon CAD softwares for its design manufacturing and analysis. Thus a CAD software comprises of a very important position in product life cycle. Moreover there is a lot of competition in the market so if a CAD system wants to survive in the market it needs to developed and improved continuously without losing the robustness and consistency of the features. For this reason CAD software NX needs to implement mapping and handles in its O set Curve feature. Thus this thesis deals with the Implementation of Mapping in O set Curve Feature and adding handles to Law control type of O set Curve. The problem because of which the O set Curve Feature requires enhanced tracking mechanism is that, after creating an o set curve during edit scenario when old curves are deselected and new curves are selected or when any old curve is deselected and again the same curve is selected, the features dependent upon the output o set curves fails. Also, there are no handles in the Law controlled O set curve, because of which the user cannot edit the length of o set from the display screen itself. The designer needs to go to the o set curve dialogue box and then change the length of o set there. This capability would improve productivity and usability of part modeling a product using widely known, renowned and global leader of CAD software Siemens NX. Also it will maintain the robustness and consistency across its various features. It also ensures that the pre-existing functionality does not regress.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, ME (CAD/CAM)

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