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Title: Development of Wall Climbing Robot
Authors: Vyas, Chirag
Keywords: Mechanical 2009
Project Report 2009
Mechanical Project Report
Project Report
CAD/CAM 2009
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2011
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 09MME017
Abstract: Climbing robots have obvious uses in hostile environments or di cult to reach places for human. Climbing robots have ability to move in vertical surfaces are currently being strongly requested by various industries and military authorities in order to perform dangerous operations such as inspection of high rise buildings, spray painting in gas tanks, maintenance of nuclear facilities, aircraft inspection, surveillance, assistance in re ghting and rescue operations. Developing a wall climbing robot requires use of many interdisciplinary fundamental. The design of robot depends on several aspects of individual systems. The kinematic and dynamic modeling depends on type of locomotion system. This again in uence the adhesion system design which may consist vacuum cup, suction pressure generation etc. There is a race to meet the growing demand for robots that can perform critical tasks in places that are traditionally di cult to reach, or environments that are too hazardous for direct human contact. This dissertation illustrates the development of wall climbing robot which is small size, light weight, cost e ective and easily adopted by environment. Mathematical model for wheel velocity, body velocity are obtained by transformation. The torque and acceleration is calculated using Euler-Lagrangian Formulation for dynamic analysis. In this work, the conceptual model is derived for moving on vertical surface and ceiling. Wheeled locomotion is selected and suction pressure is generated by installing impeller which is run by bldc motor. The mathematical equations are formulated for static and dynamic adhesion on wall and suction pressure is calculated. In nal phase of work, market survey is done for collecting right material for body, housing of impeller and various experiment are done using di erent bldc motors to create adhesion pressure for moving robot on wall and ceiling. These experiments nally results into wall climbing robot which was initially conceptualized and also ful lling required objectives.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, ME (CAD/CAM)

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