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Title: Software Development for Analysis, Design and Drafting of R.C.C. Box under Rail Embankment
Authors: Parikh, Dhaivat A.
Keywords: Civil 2003
Project Report 2003
Civil Project Report
Project Report
CASAD 2003
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2005
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 03MCL008
Abstract: The box-pushing technique to construct R.C.C. box under a rail embankment has been used for first time in the UK. In India, This technique has been extensively used from last decades. The technique of box pushing is adopted where it is not possible to construct INSITU R.C.C boxes below a railway embankment by providing a diversion without disturbing the operating traffic. The methodology essentially consists of pushing forward the R.C.C. box through railway embankment by hydraulic jacks. The R.C.C box is cast over the thrust bed which is provided with pockets both in longitudinal and transverse direction to house the pins which takes up the pushing force applied on the box by hydraulic jacks. The box is provided with a shield in front called Front shield which pierces through the soil under the pushing force of the jacks by cutting the soil combined with manual excavation through the inside of the box. The objectives behind the present study include: Study the concept & mechanisms of box pushing technique Study the different types of loading on R.C.C. box and thrust bed Study the parameters to be considered in design Study the soil effects on R.C.C. box and thrust bed Designing and detailing of R.C.C. box and thrust bed The objective is to develop the Software for Analysis, Design & Drafting of R.C.C. Box to be pushed by Pushing Method under Rail Embankment. Analysis of R.C.C. box is carried out by moment distribution method, stiffness method and STAAD.Pro software. Analysis of thrust bed is carried out by stiffness method and STAAD.Pro software. Design of R.C.C. box is carried out by limit state method. While deign of thrust bed is carried out by working stress method. Flow charts of computer programs are also developed for R.C.C. box & thrust bed using C++. The flow charts are sufficiently detailed so that persons who are familiar with the elements of computer programming can easily understand.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, CL (CASAD)

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