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Title: Comparative study of Distributed Intrusion Detection in Ad-hoc Networks
Authors: Menaria, Sumitra
Valiveti, Sharada
Kotecha, K.
Keywords: Ad hoc Networks
Computer Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: Oct-2010
Series/Report no.: ITFCE004-1
Abstract: In recent years ad hoc networks are widely used because of mobility and open architecture nature. But new technology always comes with its own set of problems. Security of ad hoc network is an area of widespread research in recent years. Some unique characteristics of ad hoc network itself are an immense dilemma in the way of security. In this paper we have presented study about characteristics of ad hoc network, how they are problematic in ad hoc network security, attacks in ad hoc network and brief description of some existing intrusion detection system. We have also justified why distributed intrusion detection is better for ad hoc network with comparative study of existing intrusion detections in ad hoc network.
Description: International Journal of Computer Applications, Vol. 8 (9), October, 2010, Page No. 11-16
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, CE

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