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Title: Analysis and Design of Multi-Barrel Aqueduct
Authors: Shah, Maulin H.
Keywords: Civil 2003
Project Report 2003
Civil Project Report
Project Report
CASAD 2003
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2005
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 03MCL019
Abstract: Aqueduct is used to carry water across an interception with a bridge like structure. It basically consists of pipe or trough or box shaped barrel through which water flows’ depending upon the discharge it has to carry. This forms the superstructure of Aqueduct. This is supported on substructure consisting of column type or wall type pier. The foundation can be open foundation, pile foundation etc. depending upon site and soil condition. In this study, Analysis and design of Aqueduct consisting of one barrel and two barrel is carried out as per relevant IS and IRC codal provisions. The Aqueduct is also designed to handle traffic loads as per IRC Class A loading. User interactive software is prepared with a hybrid program made with the help of Excel and Visual Basic 6. Excel is used to take its advantage of on screen calculation and Visual basic 6 is used to carry out plane frame analysis and putting results in Excel. Hence the deficiency of Excel to carry out iterative process is taken care by Visual basic, making an efficient user friendly Analysis and design software. The program is further enhanced to prepare the Reinforcement schedule of predefined configuration. Thus, at the end the program gives the quantum of concrete and steel to be required by the Aqueduct. The program is then used to carry out parametric study, that helps the designer to visualize the increase/decrease in the cost of structure when the section dimensions/span etc. are changed. Thus the program helps in adopting most economical section for one barrel or two barrel Aqueduct resting on circular column and open foundation.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, CL (CASAD)

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