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Title: Design and Implementation of Audio Steganography On FPGA
Authors: Mecwan, Akash I.
Savani, Vijay G.
Gajjar, Viren
Keywords: Steganography
Register Control Logic
EC Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: Apr-2011
Publisher: STM Journals
Series/Report no.: ITFEC025-7
Abstract: As the emergence of latest hacking programs and attention of hackers in hacking more and more data, the need arises to make an integrated circuit that can help hiding the message in such a form that no one can hack it easily. The audio Steganographer is a device or an integrated circuit that facilitates the user to hide a massage in the ongoing digital audio stream. It also ensures the purity of the audio upon playback. The integrated circuit consists of various blocks like Encoder/ Decoder, Encryption/Decryption, Pseudo Random Number generator, Register Control Unit etc. The Report talks on the design aspects of all the listed blocks in detail. The report also discusses the various protocol developed during the design phase. It is obvious that the digital audio stream will definitely be distorted by stegenography. The care has been taken that the audio stream is not damaged to an extent that it cannot be recovered back. The last part of the report discusses the verification of the design. The development of the test bench and the simulation results are also indicated.
Description: Journal of Electronic Design Technology, Vol. 2 (1) April, 2011, Page No. 1-6
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, EC

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