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Title: Cluster Based Routing Protocol for Energy Efficient Query Delivery in Wireless Sensor Networks
Authors: Jayalakshmi, N.
Ukani, Vijay
Gore, M. M.
Keywords: Computer Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: Dec-2006
Citation: International Conference on Next Generation Computing (ICONGENCOM-06), J.K. Institute, Allahabad, India, December, 2006, Page No. 1-6
Series/Report no.: ITFCE005-2
Abstract: Routing protocols for wireless sensor networks are constrained by energy, storage and computational resource. Rumor routing spreads the event information in sensor network by using an agent. Agents are long lived packets and travel in the network in order to enable the sink nodes to find paths to source nodes. This paper proposes cluster based routing protocol with the goal of achieving high query delivery with energy efficiency. Simulation results show that proposed protocol achieves high query delivery percentage and is energy efficient than rumor routing.
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, CE

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