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Title: Cellulosomes - A Robust Machinery for Cellulose Degradation
Authors: Kothari, Vijay
Surti, Parini
Kapadia, Devanshi
Keywords: Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper,Science
Science, faculty Paper
Designer cellulosomes
Carbohydrate Binding Module (CBM)
Consolidated Bioprocessing
Waste management
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: International Journal of Life Sciences and Technology
Abstract: Cellulose is the most abundant polymer in nature. It is the chief component of huge amount of agricultural waste generated every year. Cellulosomes are the multicomponent, multienzyme complexes of anaerobic cellulolytic bacteria, which employ the synergistic activity of various resident enzymes that efficiently degrade cellulose and other components of plant cell wall. The cellulolytic enzyme complexes of anaerobes, Clostridium thermocellum and Clostridium cellulovorans have been studied widely. To understand the complex phenomena between the plant cell wall polymers, cellulolytic microbes and their enzymes, a highly integrated approach is required. Designer cellulosomes may prove a useful tool for economic conversion of cellulosic biomass to biofuels. Efficient cellulosome application will provide dual benefits of cellulosic waste disposal as well as conversion of cellulose into fermentable sugars for ethanol production for solving fuel crisis.
Description: International Journal of Life Sciences and Technology (2011), Volume 4, Issue 5, Page(s):31-36
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers

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